Saturday, April 24, 2010

Special K deal, surprise find, and Angel Food Ministries

It's been a couple weeks since I have posted. Not too much exciting going on here. I made more gummy candy last night, tropical fusion and blackberry fusion... Yum!

Chris and I are starting the Special K Challenge on Monday. I've got to lose some weight, I love Special K cereal and cereal bars, so why not start with that. I don't do well with diets so I'm hoping this will be a step in the right direction. If I lose some weight doing this, then I will (hopefully) be able to convince myself to work harder to lose the baby weight. Special K cereal and cereal bars were on sale at CVS. They were 2 for $5, if you purchased a gallon of milk for $3.19 you get $3 ECB. We didn't need milk so I just bought 2 boxes of cereal and 2 boxes of cereal bars. Imagine my surprise when the cashier handed me my $3 ECB (from the Special K/milk deal) and $9.50 ECB (for my winter spending?). If I would have known that I would get the ECB I would have bought the Special K in 2 separate transactions, but oh well. I went to another CVS to checkout their selection and got 4 more boxes of Special K. Total was $10, used the $9.50 ECB. So I paid $0.50 for 4 boxes of cereal, and got back another $3 ECB! With all the ECB I ended up basically spending $4.50 for 6 boxes of cereal and 2 boxes of cereal bars.

Then we went to Sams to look around and found a 6lb box of pasta for $2.91! There are three 1lb bags of penne and three 1lb bags of fusili in the box, I bought 2 boxes and a 25lb bag of rice ($8). I've never bought so much in bulk but I couldn't resist the price on the pasta (I needed pasta anyway).

I've heard a lot about Angel Food Ministries, but I always forget about it until the ordering deadline for the month has passed. This month I remembered so I decided to give it a shot. The box is supposed to feed a family of 4 (dinner) for a week. We went this morning and picked it up. Every month they include a box of shelf-stable milk. I had no idea what to do with it, I've never used it. When I got home I remembered that Cody was out of pancakes for his breakfasts during the week. I made a double batch of pancakes using the milk, my dad stole a couple and said that they pancakes were great. Yay!

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